Situation: Suddenly life has become sad and heavy.
Loss hurts emotionally and affects thinking, acting and, of course the professional life.
How to deal with grief? Grief is not always triggered by death. Grief can also be triggered by:
Separation / Divorce
Job termination / change
The approach: As a certified grief counsellor, I support and accompany people in their individual grief process. Acceptance of the current situation and structure life in order to offer support in managing daily life.
Situation: Change process are often daily business in companies. Change does come often along with fears, loss of motivation and insecurities.
The approach: The big obstacle in the change process are emotions. Acknowledge what has been, respect for what need to be left behind and learn to look out to what may become better.
As a trained systemic business coach and bereavement counsellor, I support employees in their individual change process.
To Fail
Situation: A big project ends differently than expected. The performance is disappointing and a human mistake was made.
The approach: Finding ways to deal with failure and organize an individual restart. Learning to look forward and use the failure for a learning process by acceptance of the situation.
Zertifiziert vom Bundesverband Trauerbegleitung e.V.